About Me
As a young woman, I longed for a mentor and ally who could guide me and help me navigate my path. I like to say that I became what I needed then, and in the process have gathered wisdom from many teachers and traditions and a lifetime of experience. My eclectic spiritual path has been a synthesis of many wisdom traditions and practices as well as the sciences of energy and transformation, and I am so very grateful for it all. I love inspiring and empowering my students and clients to find their own way, fulfilling their potential and finding their own true north in this wild and beautiful life.
I have worked in the Healing Arts for over 35 years, doing Energy and BodyWork, and teaching Meditation, Yoga and the Art of Personal Practice to students from all over the world, mentoring and training individuals and teachers. I was blessed by the Krishnamacharya lineage teachings and training of The American Vinyoga Institute and Gary Kraftsow, and it’s been my honor to share that tradition, among many others.
My gift of synthesis weaves together perennial wisdom, the arts and sciences of energy and transformation, decades of experience, study and practice, and deep intuitive insight. As an elder, my goal and my calling with my students and clients is to help them understand and trust their own power, access their own wisdom, and support them in cultivating their own innate brilliance that they many share it in turn. There is so much we can do when we have the right support. Let’s connect! To find me, reach out here.