Jennifer Bonadio

The Personal Mentorship Program

There is nothing like having a true ally, a guide who is there for you, illuminating your path, offering coaching, guidance, insight and inspiration. In our work together, I create a space in which you can be yourself and feel safe, seen and supported in your process.

As your mentor, I hold the space of inquiry – a sacred space wherein you can count on meaningful wisdom guidance, a fresh perspective, and confidential, compassionate and insightful feedback that supports your thriving. Together we will dive deep to mine the gold of your own heart, body and soul wisdom, on the journey from where you are to where you want to be, from longing to vision to right action. 

If you are ready to go deeper, to give yourself the gift of inspirational support and invest in a new chapter in your life, one that aligns all the elements of your life with your deepest values, then let’s connect! Your Mentorship is crafted according to your needs and schedule. We meet via Zoom online, or in person at my home on Maui. My clients have reaped the deepest results with a 3 month or longer commitment, but each program is different – yours will reflect your own process and flow. 

We begin with a free consultation, by phone or Zoom online – a conversation that answers any questions you may have to know if a mentorship with me is the right fit for you. I look forward to connecting and exploring the possibilities with you!

Single Mentorship sessions (60 min) are $125.00. Package rate available for 4 or more sessions. 


Wisdom Alchemy Sessions

Single private sessions can help you in times of transition, challenge, stuckness, or anytime you are wanting inspiration and clarity to help transform your life experience into practical wisdom and right action. I will guide you to find your own ‘true north’ and anchor into your heart as a your inner compass. In our work together will help you…

  • Tune in deeply to your own Body/Soul wisdom for more clarity and empowerment
  • Access and develop your intuition and somatic intelligence.
  • Work with your dreaming and your ‘golden’ and hidden shadow patterns.

Private sessions are offered via Zoom online, or in person on Maui. Each session is $125.00 (60 minutes). Package rate available for 4 or more sessions.

Connect with me at this email: [email protected] to schedule a session

 “Wisdom isn’t knowing more, it is knowing with more of yourself…”  Cynthia Bourgeault

Working with Jennifer in the safety and sacredness of a one-to-one mentorship has been life-changing. I have never had someone reflect myself back to me in a way that felt more true or authentic… helping me to gain an even deeper understanding of my feelings and my relationship to my past and current experiences. Through this gift of reflection and the deep practices shared by Jennifer, I am now able to connect to the power and knowledge that I now know exists within myself. Jennifer has been been a magical, guiding light through this part of my journey and I am honored and grateful to be able to experience her and her gifts”. – Jenny Fuller, Artist and Entrepreneur 

“Jennifer carries an ocean of compassion within her heart and embodies tenderness when diving deep. She has encouraged me to nurture my mind, body & spirit in ways that are authentic to me. With her guidance and mentorship I have cultivated necessary tools to navigate life’s great mysteries bridging the lessons of the physical and mystical realms together. She has a way with words, a light hearted sense of humor and together we have enjoyed great belly laughs while unpacking and alchemizing my patterns lovingly & creatively.” Chanel Davina, Mother, Healer, Teacher

“Jennifer knows how to hold space for her clients! She is an extremely approachable, loving soul with tons of experience to share. She customized the program to align with exactly what I needed at the time, and I couldn’t be happier with the adventure we went on together. I learned a ton about myself, and was given support and guidance throughout the entire process. I’d definitely work with her again.”Rae Palmer

“Jennifer is full of such wisdom, light, clarity, and compassion…. she helped me deepen my personal practice tremendously, which enabled me to strengthen my mind-body connection as well as my connection to my intuition. I am so thankful to call Jennifer my mentor.. Without her guidance, I would not be where I am today.” – Laura J. Hanson, Yoga Educator

“Jennifer is an inspirational mentor, instructor and leader! I had a wonderful time learning ways to listen to my heart, drop into my body, tune into my breath and expand my personal practice. She helped me tune in and recognize what I needed physically, energetically, emotionally and mentally. I noticed patterns in my own practice and ways I wasn’t fully growing to my capacity. I really loved the books I read in the course, writing reflections and having beautiful discussions with her. If your looking for transformation, she’s a channel for it ! 🙂 Thank you, Jennifer!  – Bonnie Bairley

“I just cannot thank you enough for your endless well of true wisdom and insight. … You showed up in the nick of time and showed me a whole new way to walk the earth and protect my sacred inner ‘golden core’. …You stand out as the truly wise and positive inspiration that moved me forward consistently every time, without fail. Many thanks for what is clearly “years ” of diligent “walking your talk”. – Deva Ann Chappelle, Vedic philosophy educator