2023, what a year you have been. Sitting here in the harvest of wisdom sown in this past year, I am both humbled and hopeful. Having witnessed the tragedy and human loss of fire disaster and human conflict as well as the awe-inspiring generosity and goodness here in my community on Maui, I bow in reverence to the growth that has come from challenge, and the tenderness and kindness that flows from broken-open hearts. This year has stretched my own heart to be able to hold it all – the grief and the beauty, the struggle and the inspiration. It is has stretched to hold the space of Love, peace and ceaseless prayer in my own being, while acknowledging the suffering of so many in my own community and in the world.

It is an honor and a privilege to be alive at this time in human history. Yes, I can say that because I am so very blessed to be safe and thriving, but also because it is a time of such possibility and creative opportunity. It is said that necessity is the mother of the invention, and necessary it is, in what seems like a critical moment in our evolution. Of course, there have been many moments of critical mass in our history, but now we are able bear witness to them like never before. In the quantum truth of it, when we observe something, we change it. We are participating and co-creating in this life, and there is escaping that. Because of that, it seems we are all being called to a deeper level of engagement and responsibility. What energy are we bringing to the fray?

In the uncertainty and volatility of life on our planet, we can cultivate clarity. Clarity can only happen in this moment, isn’t necessarily about having a plan or a strategy or knowing what is going to happen, but about living in intention. Staying true to the ‘vertical’ while engaging wholeheartedly in the ‘horizontal’. By vertical, I mean our connection to our Spirit and our Heart, the alignment with our truth and values, and by horizontal I mean the life-force flow of giving and receiving in our days (one master described this as being in the world but not of it). It takes practice to stay in alignment and live in intention, and commitment and courage to take the time prioritize nourishing and cultivating that in your life.

I’ve been taking some winter reflection time to revisit and review my intentions and refine my alignment in preparation for this coming year. The purifying practices of inner silence and listening are key for me, as are tending to my nervous system with rest and beauty.  This is allowing me the breathing room to renew my daily routines in a way that better reflect the me that is emerging from this transformative year. I invite you to take the time of rest, reflection or whatever you need to restore in this winter turning time, so you can refresh your commitment to living in intention. Let’s hold the space of Love and Peace for our world – together. 

Blessings for the New Year!