‘This is the story of how we begin to remember’

Paul Simon wrote a song called ‘Under African Skies’ years back, and that refrain has been playing in my head these last days. I’ve been re-membering, gathering parts of myself that have been dormant, or forgotten… With more time with myself, sheltering in place alone, I have had the chance to tend to what has been unlived, give voice to the too-long silent longings, and cry the unshed tears that my heart’s garden was thirsty for.

Resonating with many who have been blessed to be able to take this shelter time to go deeper, I hear that it is a time for remembering for them as well. For many, the remembering started before the pandemic; they heard clarion calls of the Earth and the wise ones. The calls are still coming, and we are remembering how to listen, how to be still. Because we must…to hear each other and our Earth, to develop clearer Heart sight, we need to slow down and come closer in.

Sitting on the ground, feeling the embrace of gravity, has helped me to remember the rootedness and belonging to the Earth that feeds and buoys my being. Longing for the embrace of my loved ones has reminded me where my truest priorities lie. Deep conversation with soul friends has been sustaining me…speaking our grief and our hope, hearing our version of heaven out loud inspires me to dream anew.

The alchemy of rising and re-invention is happening. Shadows are emerging from behind the veils, being met by the light of healing…One moment of truth at a time, however tender and painful the process.  We are re-membering the world as our extended body. We, the gentle many, are changing from the inside out.

I remember that I believe in Love the most.