This weekend is a confluence of Holy Holidays, the time of renewal and rising. The word Easter comes from the German ‘Eostre’, the ancient goddess of spring, fertility and beginnings, the freshness and possibility of the new season. Nature tells this story every year, blossoming in all her verdant glory. In this season of resurrection, as we return from the shadows and emptying of winter, the natural resilience and hope of life itself beckons us to the creative new, beyond what no longer fits or applies, to something fresh rising on our own horizon.

What I notice is this call of renewal coming from within my very own body, my ‘nature’. After the ebb of winter and a cleansing Lenten season, I feel an openness to the natural cycle of life that invokes a quality of deep listening and attention, an anticipation of a calling, welcomed like a birdsong. The embodied impressions and sensory messages sometimes come like an answer to a question I have yet to ask. I feel the magnetic future in my body, in my heart and belly, blooming like an orchid, slowly, surely…and there is nothing I want to miss. The practices of somatic meditation, grounding and conscious breathing help me to stay present to the this natural rhythm of bloom and flow in my being…the silent call.

Easter is my favorite holiday for many reasons, but mostly because it is from and by nature, it describes the truth of our Spirit, the Christ in our hearts. Life has no opposite – it rises, it resurrects, it is eternal, it is who we are. Attuning to that beauty of our true nature is the invitation of this season, it is the gift of the fresh rising of the sun in our being, the foreverness of Life and Love. This moment inspires me to be willing…to say yes to life all over again and to aspire to consciously choose Love in each and every moment, knowing I will be guided by that Love to the next right action, the next step. Even when Life is a flower that is not yet open, I trust in the beauty yet to come.