When we come to it, We must confess that we are the possible, We are the miraculous, The true wonders of the world. That is when, and only when, we come to it.                                                                                                             Maya Angelou, From ‘A Brave and Startling Truth’  


Thank Goodness for Yoga ! We know Yoga works, that’s the science of it…when we do our practice, with a class or at home, we feel better, more balanced. Yoga helps us be more present and more self-aware of our patterns and habits of body and mind. As we get to know ourself better, at some point we are ready to go deeper and develop a more personal practice, one that takes us in new directions and supports us in our evolution and becoming the best we can be. Therein is the ART of it. With some skill and guidance, we can design a practice that is ours…transformative and meaningfully aligned with our dreams and goals.

The many tools of Yoga, the philosophy and practices, give us so much to work with to create a practice that serves the whole of us – Body, Mind, and Heart. The art of designing a practice starts with Svadyaya, the self-reflection that allows us to see where we actually are (not where we wish we were or think we should be). Life is always changing –  it’s up and down and all around, and so are we! So it is important for us to regularly and honestly access where we are, so we can then choose in what direction we want to go. Self-inquiry gives us the information we need to create a practice that works for us, and that serves all aspects of our being. What do we need more of? What do we need less of? Where do we need more stability, where do we have tension habits? Are we sleeping well? Are we spending the day in anxiety or stress? What qualities do we want more of, to what do we aspire?

Designing a practice that works for us is an art indeed, and takes experience. Please do reach out to me if you want to learn more about the art and science of personal practice. I offer private sessions as well as CE credit classes that can guide you and give you the skill you need to create your own dynamic practice or do so for others. Contact information is available on this site. Hope to hear from you!