You have likely heard about the ‘shadow’ as a negative thing, as qualities you do not like about yourself that you disown or project. But what is your golden shadow? In the early years of our life, we often had to dim our light in order to stay safe or be accepted. Those around us may not have been able to see or nurture our bright light and our gifts. That can lead to a pattern of not fully stepping into our power and strengths. The bright light and unique genius that you truly are is your golden shadow.

Your golden shadow may lie in the life you dream of, but feels beyond you or too big to receive. It may be seen in the creativity – your art, your magic, your business idea – that lives inside you, but feels too scary to bring out. A golden shadow may show itself as brilliant qualities that you see or are attracted to in others, power that you envy or project onto them but cannot see in yourself. When you put others on a pedestal, seeing them as above or better than you, it is often a signal of a golden shadow in play.

When you say yes to doing the work and practices of acknowledging and embracing your disowned strengths and talents, you are reclaiming that golden part of you – your beauty, your greatness and unfulfilled potential. It may even seem like an unlived life, lying dormant, waiting to be seen and brought out. It is your deepest intuition and vitality, your lit up joy. It is often what you are longing for when something feels off or missing. And in doing the work to bring that golden part of you to life, every area of your life benefits.

Well then, how do you reclaim your this unloved and unfulfilled part of you? It starts by having the willingness to see what is in the way of it. Often it is fear and limiting beliefs we have taken on and identified with that keep us from reclaiming our light and beauty. The process of unlearning and undoing the ties that bind you may seem overwhelming, but you are worth whatever time and effort it may take! It can be helpful to have a guide and an ally to support you in the process, and that is part of the work I do in my Wisdom Coaching and Mentorship. Reach out to find out more about this work and more… Let’s connect !