Proactive Trust

Trust is often thought of as a ‘response’, given where it has been earned. That is an important view of trust, of course, one that

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Our True Powers

I’ve always been curious about power, what it is and how people use it. I so often hear, and use, the word empowerment, and ask…

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What is Coherence?

In my own work and practice, I have come to understand the importance of coherence as the foundation and starting point of right action and

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Freedom has different meanings for people, but most would agree it is a deep value, one held close to the heart. It can refer to

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The Art of Pausing

We are so bombarded with ‘stuff’ in our modern world – information, to-do lists, etc, going from one thing to another, from device to device.

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The Dream Field

Imagine that there is a meaning to all the fleeting body sensations and snapshots of experience, that the images and moments that get your attention,

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Choosing Peace

It can be easy to associate peace with the absence of something like conflict, noise, or chaos, or being at a passive place of remove

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Climate change


The island of Maui is my home, and where there has been devastating wildfires and catastrophic loss of life this month. The grief and shock

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Body Wisdom


It seems all good things come from connection – to each other, to ourself, to nature, to spirit. You might first think connection is what

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This month, it’s as if a veil has fallen from my eyes; colors are sharper, the light is brighter. Maybe each time the wheel of

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In this mid-winter moment, I’m reflecting on the ancient feast of Imbulc. Meaning ‘in the belly’, it is a celebration of the pregnant moment of

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Beginning Again

It has been quite a year! In my life, that hasn’t taken the shape of a lot of exterior changes, but an onslaught of internal

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Body Wisdom

The Key

In a dream I had recently, I was given a key. Someone handed it to me as an answer to a question. Some of the

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What is faith? Some use the word to refer to a set of beliefs that they adhere to or live by. Others consider that it

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Spring Renewal

This weekend is a confluence of Holy Holidays, the time of renewal and rising. The word Easter comes from the German ‘Eostre’, the ancient goddess

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Living with Intention

Welcoming a new year is often a time we reflect on where we have been and where we are going…perhaps we even make ‘resolutions’ for

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Body Wisdom


“It may be that when we no longer know what to do, we have come to our real work and when we no longer know

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Loving Yourself True

I’ve been reflecting on ‘Self-Love’ – what that really means, and the ‘how to’ in daily practice. There are so many conflicting messages about what

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Body Wisdom

Deep Listening

The meaning of the word obedience my surprise you…etymologically, it means ‘deep listening’. This is the ‘obedience’ of true loving attention and self-care. To turn

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Our heart is at the center of our function in more ways than one. According to the great wisdom traditions of the West, the heart

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Alchemy refers to a process of transformation – taking the ordinary substance of everyday life and turning it into the ‘gold’ of truth, beauty, and

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Our Beloved Nervous System

Our nervous system function happens automatically, going back and forth between the two poles of sympathetic activation and parasympathetic relaxation. In a healthy and resilient

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We so often dwell in our thinking and judgments, hopes, and fears… and indeed we have been trained and conditioned in our culture to default to

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‘This is the story of how we begin to remember’ Paul Simon wrote a song called ‘Under African Skies’ years back, and that refrain has

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The root of the word courage is ‘heart’; it is made of Love, a Radical Love… of life, of another, of self, of Earth. I’ve

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The Turning

It feels like things are at a turning point. Whatever that even means… I’m reminded what the word revolution actually means turning. What, or who,

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The Power of Practice

Whatever we practice, we get better at, and we are always practicing something; either we are reinforcing habits, behaviors and reactions we already have or

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Our Practice

Yoga is a wisdom philosophy realized and understood only through practice. This is one of the profoundly beautiful things about Yoga – it is not

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Yoga Dreaming

In our practice we work with our willingness to show up on the mat and ‘stretch’ to our edge and we attend to our body’s

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“Tension is who you think you should be, Relaxation is who you are”  Lao Tzu It’s kinda funny to think that it takes practice to

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Cultivating Yin

The winter time, whatever the weather may bring, is the time to slow down. Nature’s way encourages us to ‘stay inside’ more and sink into

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Body Wisdom

Wild Heart

I want to unfold. Let no place in me hold itself closed, for where I am closed, I am false. I want to stay clear

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The Abundant Life

Abundance is one of those words, like sustainability, that gets used often but means different things to different people. The last few years of economic

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Heart Math

Their name may sound like an oxymoron, but the folks at Heart Math Institute have done some serious scientifically based research that illustrates the power

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Feminine Wisdom

The Yoga of Yes

This morning, like most mornings, my practice helped me get to Yes. Yes to life as it is – the yes that opens my heart

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Body Wisdom

The Heart Knows

Scientific research about who we are and what makes us tick has created a quiet revolution in our understanding of the power of our Heart.

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E.E. Cummings


Thank You God for this most amazing day i thank you God for this most amazing day, for the leaping greenly spirits of trees and

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Grounded Grace

Many of us we brought up to value ambition, goals and the importance of working toward something. This forward and outward orientation is indeed a fine

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body/mind practice

Mastery and Mystery

“Our duty as people is to proceed as if limits to our abilities do not exist. We are collaborators in Creation”. ~ Pierre de Chardin  

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Do What You Love

‘There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way’  ~ Buddha There is a lot of research being done these days about happiness and

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body/mind practice

True Empowerment

Talking with a dear friend and colleague the other day, our conversation turned to empowerment. Just what was this thing?  We can point to a

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Body Wisdom

Compassion Starts Here

What is the body? That shadow of a shadow of your love, that somehow contains the entire universe.  – RUMI   There is a magic that happens

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